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New CinéPacks released every Friday with 1 Short Film, 1 After Shorts, Phrasebooks and Quizzes

CinéPack of the Week

Demain, même heure ?Demain même heure After Shorts

Released on 02.07.2025

La PiscineLa Piscine After Shorts

Released on 01.31.2025

Sauce PiquanteSauce Piquante After Shorts

Released on 01.24.2025

Le FiguierLe Figuier After Shorts

Released on 01.17.2025

Beauty BoysBeauty Boys After Shorts

Released on 01.10.2025

Grand garçonGrand garçon After Shorts

Released on 01.03.2025

Le PimentLe Piment After Shorts

Released on 12.27.2024

Vous avez un matchVous avez un match After Shorts

Released on 12.20.2024

Vengeance et terre battueVengeance et terre battue After Shorts

Released on 12.13.2024

Sur les mainsSur les mains After Shorts

Released on 12.06.2024

JackpotJackpot After Shorts

Released on 11.29.2024

Cloud ParadiseCloud Paradise After Shorts

Released on 11.23.2024

HérosHéros After Shorts

Coming next

 February 21

La CèneLa Cène After Shorts

 February 28

Le Magasin des complimentsLa Magasin des compliments After Shorts

 March 7

La GrintaLa Grinta After Shorts

 March 14

Frite sans maillotFrite sans maillot After Shorts

 February 21

La RobeLa Robe After Shorts