

Directed by Francis Magnin
France, 2022, 11 min.
Ana plans to collect money from boss Farid using a pretend boyfriend, a burly ex-convict. On the day, instead of her friend, skinny Antoine shows up to replace him.
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About this film

Synopsis (fr)
Ana doit récupérer de l’argent auprès d’un caïd du quartier, Farid. Pour y arriver, elle a monté une cabane avec un ami costaud qui jouera son mec qui sort de prison. Le jour J, ça sonne à sa porte, elle ouvre, ce n’est pas du tout son pote costaud mais Antoine, un jeune homme frêle qui est là pour le remplacer...
Synopsis (en)
Ana must collect money from a local boss, Farid. To achieve this, she has set up a plan with a burly friend who will pretend to be her boyfriend who just got out of prison. On D-Day, her doorbell rings, she opens, it's not her beefy friend at all but Antoine, a skinny young man who is there to replace him…
Direction: Francis Magnin; Production: Francis Magnin, Jérôme Roudier; Screenplay: Francis Magnin; Image: Mathieu Andrieux; Sound: Théodore Célardo; Editing: Erwan Alépée; Soundtrack: Clémence Ducreux; Cast: Foed Amara, Manika Auxire, Jonas Dinal, Marie Petiot, Edouard Sulpice