

Directed by Pauline Caupenne
France, 2022, 15 min.
Telmah has a bad habit: she can't make choices! The day of her engagement party, an ex-lover shows up in the middle of her family!
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About this film

Synopsis (fr)
Telmah, jeune femme trentenaire drôle et touchante, a pris l’habitude de jamais choisir entre oui et non. Le jour de ses fiançailles, elle réalise qu’elle n’a jamais aimé follement ni n’a prévu dans sa vie une place pour « le grand amour ». Jusqu’à l’arrivée fortuite du filleul de son père, invité par hasard...
Synopsis (en)
Telmah, a funny and endearing woman in her thirties, has made it a habit to never choose between yes and no. On the day of her engagement, she realizes that she has never been madly in love nor has she made room in her life for “the great love.” That is, until the unexpected arrival of her father’s godson, who was invited by chance...
Direction: Pauline Caupenne; Screenplay:Nicolas Boone; Cast: Ariane Ascaride, Serge Avédikian, Pauline Caupenne, Annick Cisaruk, Grégoire Leprince Ringuet, Elise Noiraud, Salomé Villiers, Padrig Vion