
Troc Mort

Directed by Martin Darondeau
France, 2017, 14 min.
Two undertakers lose a coffin and find criminals' loot instead, forcing them to hastily arrange an exchange.
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Troc Mort

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Part 1
Vocab & expressions
Coming soon
Part 2
Cultural References
Vocab & expressions
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About this film

Synopsis (fr)
Deux croque-morts, à l’issue d’un braquage, se retrouvent dépossédés du cercueil et du corps dont ils avaient la charge pour trouver à leur place le butin des malfaiteurs. Cette brochette de bras cassés va devoir organiser un échange.
Synopsis (en)
Two undertakers, after being held up, have lost the coffin (and the body) that was in their charge, and find the criminals' loot in its place. This cast of amateurs now needs to organize an exchange.
Direction: Martin Darondeau; Production: Marie Sonne-Jensen; Screenplay: Martin Darondeau, Julien Labigne; Sound: Valentin Locard, Xavier Remy; Editing: Denis Camelin; Cast: Agnès Croutelle, Husky - Jean-François Kihal, Nicolas Martinez, Arthur Mazet