
Voice Ever

Directed by Pauline Archange and Céline Perréard
France, 2023, 13 min.
Romane, Sarah, Emmanuel, and Boris try Voice Ever, a dating app focusing on voice. Their quest for connections exposes their vulnerabilities.
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Voice Ever

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About this film

Synopsis (fr)
Au cours d’une nuit, Romane, Sarah, Emmanuel et Boris se connectent sur Voice Ever, une nouvelle application de rencontres où l’on se choisit par la voix. On ne se voit pas mais on s’écoute. Dans leur désir de rencontres vont se révéler leur vulnérabilité et leurs failles.
Synopsis (en)
One night, Romane, Sarah, Emmanuel and Boris log on to Voice Ever, a new dating app where people choose each other by voice. You can't see them, but you can listen to them.Their desire to meet new people reveals their vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
Direction: Pauline Archange, Céline Perréard, Production: Anne Luthaud, Image: Manuel Bolanos, Sound: Louis Beaufort, Editing: Jules Jasko, Jeanne Sarfati, Soundtrack: Corentin Lebon, Cast: Kelly Bellacci, Alexandra Desloires, Natasha Kay, Xavier Lacaille, Vincent Pasdermadjian , Maya Raad