Coming March 21
La Robe

Une jeune avocate affronte son premier procès aux assises, entre convictions, doutes et une plaidoirie qui bouleversera sa vision de la justice.

A young lawyer navigates her first criminal trial, questioning justice, ethics, and herself in a tense courtroom battle that changes everything.
 Coming March 21
La RobeBeauty Boys

Une jeune avocate affronte son premier procès aux assises, entre convictions, doutes et une plaidoirie qui bouleversera sa vision de la justice.

A young lawyer navigates her first criminal trial, questioning justice, ethics, and herself in a tense courtroom battle that changes everything.
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La Robe

1. Watch the film

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After Shorts with Lisa and Léa
With Lisa and Léa

2. Watch After Shorts

Expressions you'll learn:

  • Y compris
  • S'appreter à
  • Comparaitre
  • Une foulée
  • Reconnaitre coupable
  • Passible d'une peine
  • Est-ce... ?
  • Réclusion criminelle
  • Le cabinet
  • Porter plainte
  • Confrère ou consœur
  • Maître
  • La partie civile
  • Un non-lieu
  • Témoigner à la barre

3. Review with the Film Phrasebook

Find all expressions explained in After Shorts and more!

  • Understand the meaning and nuances of each phrase, with a breakdown in English of literal and contextual translations.
  • With Language Register Labels to ensure you know exactly when and where each expression is safe to use, whether it's for a formal setting, everyday conversation, or among close friends.
Language registers

4. Reinforce what you’ve learned

With our interactive quizzes

  • Built around the language and phrases featured in After Shorts
  • Get instant results and explanations
  • Hear the phrases spoken by native speakers

About this film

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La Robe
Synopsis (fr)
Dans cette Cène revisitée avec humour, Jésus fait face à l’intolérance au gluten, aux préférences vinicoles et à l’énergie féministe moderne. Entre révélations chaotiques et un élan inattendu de sororité, ce dîner sacré prend un tournant drôle et inattendu vers l’amour fraternel… ou plutôt sororal.
Synopsis (en)
In this comically reimagined Last Supper, Jesus contends with gluten intolerance, wine preferences, and modern feminist energy as his disciples misinterpret his teachings. Between chaotic revelations and a surprising embrace of sorority, the sacred dinner takes a wildly unexpected turn toward humor and sisterhood.
Director: Pierre Boulanger; Screenplay: Pierre Boulanger, Béatrice Bianca Moreno; Image: Evgenia Alexandrova; Sound: Hugo Deguillard
Cast: Chloé Astor, Pierre Boulanger