A 6pm in Paris Original Production

Alex, Emma et Cécile se retrouvent au Parc Monceau pour leur pause déjeuner. Au menu : sushi, sandwich et fantasmes.

Alex, Emma and Cécile meet in Parc Monceau for their lunch break . On the menu: sushi, sandwich and fantaisies.
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A 6pm in Paris Original Production
Demain même heureDemain même heure

Alex, Emma et Cécile se retrouvent au Parc Monceau pour leur pause déjeuner. Au menu : sushi, sandwich et fantasmes.

Alex, Emma and Cécile meet in Parc Monceau for their lunch break . On the menu: sushi, sandwich and fantaisies.

 “Demain, même heure ?” is an original 6pm in Paris production! You might spot some familiar faces... We had a blast making it, and we hope you’ll love watching it just as much!

Demain même heure ?

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Jackpot After Shorts with Eléonore and Melissa
With Eléonore and Julien

2. Watch After Shorts

Expressions you'll learn:

  • Kiffer
  • Dis-donc !
  • J'hallucine
  • J'avoue...
  • Saouler
  • Canon !
  • Parlons peu, parlons bien
  • Passer aux choses sérieuses
  • Un bisou
  • Bah ouais !
Héros Phrasebook

3. Review with the Film Phrasebook

Find all expressions explained in After Shorts and more!

  • Understand the meaning and nuances of each phrase, with a breakdown in English of literal and contextual translations.
  • With Language Register Labels to ensure you know exactly when and where each expression is safe to use, whether it's for a formal setting, everyday conversation, or among close friends.
Héros Quiz

4. Reinforce what you’ve learned

With our interactive quizzes

  • Built around the language and phrases featured in After Shorts
  • Get instant results and explanations
  • Hear the phrases spoken by native speakers

About this film

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Demain même heure ?
Synopsis (fr)
Trois amies se retrouvent au parc Monceau pour déjeuner et rêver à voix haute de leurs histoires d'amour imaginaires. Entre fous rires et rêveries à Pigalle ou sous la tour Eiffel, leur quotidien se mêle à leurs désirs. Le rendez-vous ? « Demain, même heure ? »
Synopsis (en)
Three friends meet at Parc Monceau for lunch, sharing laughs and vivid daydreams of imagined love stories. From Pigalle to the Eiffel Tower, their everyday lives intertwine with their desires. The closing question? “Same time tomorrow?”
Director: Léa Perret and Julien Frei; Production: 6pm in Paris; Screenplay: 6pm in Paris; Image: Justin Simpson; Sound: Justin Simpson; Editing: Chapter Four; Soundtrack: Chapter Four
Cast: Léa Perret, Nina Summer, Eléonore Martin, Julien Frei